Systems – Poetry

Systems make me nervous when they’re meant for only those

Who fit in tiny boxes and keep up high on their toes

I hoped that one day my small world would grow back to its size

But windows frame the only light from tiny plots of sky

A life that’s full of meaning from the first of many days

Is often held up higher than the ones who find their way

Through thickets, thistles, thunder. Trials defying any end

And it’s those lives that are most in need of family, fondness, friends

It’s never clear through life’s deep fog how road will soon unwind

And I am known to fall off course as if asleep or blind

But through the struggle in the trench it often becomes clear

That even if you don’t know now, there’s reason you’re still here

So systems made for you and me might never look alike

But we are both still able to see meaning in our life

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I’m Melody

Hello and welcome! My name is Melody Elsher, and I am a hobbiest writer and aspiring author! In this blog, I share pieces of writing that I have been working on, and also document my journey as I strive to become a better artist and story teller. I hope you will join me!

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